Sunday, April 9, 2017

WEEK 27 - Huancayo, Peru

MARCH 20th, 2017

MOM!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I want you to know that Im feeling much much better. Im sending you a recording updating you on everything but this week was much better. I talked to President and he was just like Satan is attacking you! And then he basically told me everything that I needed to hear. It was so awesome, and I walked out feeling incredibly better. Things are hard sometimes, but I honestly feel happiest when we just get out and work. It is when I'm sitting around thinking that I feel the saddest. Love you Mom, and I am grateful for trials because they make us stronger!

The whole fam haha everyone wrote me this week with advice. I feel really grateful for a family who is all looking after me and I know the power of prayer is real. I literally pray so much and so hard all the time now. It really helps me. Ellie also sent me a recording this week, it made me so happy! It has been so long since I heard her voice. 

Love to you all,  
Hermana Charlotte Jensen

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